basket | Create a Basket Trial Analysis |
basket_map | Get the Basketwise Maximum A Posteriori Probability Matrix |
basket_name | The Names of the Baskets |
basket-package | Basket Trial Analysis |
basket_pep | The Basketwise Posterior Exchangeability Probability Matrix |
cluster_baskets | Get the Cluster Members of MEM Models |
cluster_map | Get the Clusterwise Maximum A Posteriori Probability Matrix |
cluster_membership | Cluster Baskets Based on the Posterior Exchangeabilities |
cluster_pep | Get the Clusterwise Posterior Exchangeability Matrix |
get_seed | Get the Current Random Seed |
mem_exact | Fit the Exact MEM Model |
mem_mcmc | Fit the MEM Model using MCMC |
plot_density | Plot the Response Densities in Basket Trials |
plot_map | Plot the Map Exchangeability of a Basket Trial |
plot_mem | Plot the Prior, MAP, and PEP of a Basket Trial |
plot_pep | Plot the Posterior Exchangeability of a Basket Trial |
plot_pep_graph | Plot a Network Graph of the PEP Matrix |
sample_posterior | Sample Posterior Samples from a Basket Trial |
update_p0 | Update Full Bayes results with different p0 values |
vemu | Summary Data from the Vemurafenib Study |
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