Man pages for bayesMRM
Bayesian Multivariate Receptor Modeling

bayesMRMAppShiny App for exploring the results of Bayesian multivariate...
bmrmBayesian Analysis of Multivariate Receptor Modeling
convdiag_bmrmConvergence Diagnostics on MCMC samples in 'bmrm'
ElpasoPM2.5 speciation data from El Paso, Texas, USA.
idcond_checkCheck the identifiability conditions
pcplotPrincipal component plot
plot.bmrmProduce plots of the parameter estimates
summary.bmrmSummarize the output of the 'bmrm' function
trace_ACF_plotTrace and/or ACF plots of elements of a variable in 'bmrm'...
bayesMRM documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:36 a.m.