Man pages for bayesPO
Bayesian Inference for Presence-Only Data

bayesPO_fit-classClass for the result of the MCMC procedure.
bayesPO_initial-classClass for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO...
bayesPO_modelBuild a model to be used in the 'bayesPO' fitting function
bayesPO_model-classClass that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
bayesPO_prior-classJoint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
BetaDeltaPrior-classGeneric class for the beta and delta parameters.
covariates_importance-classClass for covariates importance matrices
fit_bayesPOFit presence-only data using a Bayesian Poisson Process model
GammaPriorCreate a Gamma prior object for model specification.
GammaPrior-classGamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
initialInitial values constructor for bayesPO modeling
LambdaStarPrior-classGeneric class for the LambdaStar parameters.
NormalPriorCreate a Normal prior object for model specification.
NormalPrior-classNormal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
priorBuild a joint prior for bayesPO model parameters
bayesPO documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:33 a.m.