Man pages for bayesSurv
Bayesian Survival Regression with Flexible Error and Random Effects Distributions

bayesBisurvregPopulation-averaged accelerated failure time model for...
bayesBisurvreg.helpHelping function for Bayesian regression with smoothed...
bayesDensitySummary for the density estimate based on the mixture...
bayesGsplineSummary for the density estimate based on the model with...
bayesHistogramSmoothing of a uni- or bivariate histogram using Bayesian...
bayesHistogram.helpHelping function for Bayesian smoothing of (bi)-variate...
bayessurvreg1A Bayesian survival regression with an error distribution...
bayessurvreg1.files2initRead the initial values for the Bayesian survival regression...
bayessurvreg1.helpHelping function for Bayesian survival regression models,...
bayessurvreg2Cluster-specific accelerated failure time model for...
bayessurvreg2.helpHelping functions for Bayesian regression with an error...
bayessurvreg3Cluster-specific accelerated failure time model for...
bayessurvreg3.helpHelping functions for Bayesian regression with an error...
bayessurvreg.helpHelping function for Bayesian survival regression models.
cgdChronic Granulomatous Disease data
credible.regionCompute a simultaneous credible region (rectangle) from a...
densplot2Probability density function estimate from MCMC output
files2codaRead the sampled values from the Bayesian survival regression...
files.GsplineWrite headers to or clean files with sampled G-spline
give.initCheck and possibly fill in initial values for the G-spline,...
give.summaryBrief summary for the chain(s) obtained using the MCMC.
marginal.bayesGsplineSummary for the marginal density estimates based on the...
plot.bayesDensityPlot an object of class bayesDensity
plot.bayesGsplinePlot an object of class bayesGspline
plot.marginal.bayesGsplinePlot an object of class marginal.bayesGspline
predictiveCompute predictive quantities based on a Bayesian survival...
predictive2Compute predictive quantities based on a Bayesian survival...
print.bayesDensityPrint a summary for the density estimate based on the...
rMVNormSample from the multivariate normal distribution
rWishartSample from the Wishart distribution
sampleCovMatCompute a sample covariance matrix.
sampled.kendall.tauEstimate of the Kendall's tau from the bivariate model
scanFNRead Data Values
simult.pvalueCompute a simultaneous p-value from a sample for a vector...
tandmob2Signal Tandmobiel data, version 2
tandmobRoosSignal Tandmobiel data, version Roos
traceplot2Trace plot of MCMC output.
vecr2matrTransform single component indeces to double component...
bayesSurv documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:34 a.m.