Man pages for bench
High Precision Timing of R Expressions

as_bench_markCoerce to a bench mark object Bench mark objects
as_bench_timeHuman readable times
autoplot.bench_markAutoplot method for bench_mark objects
bench_bytesHuman readable memory sizes
bench_bytes_transBenchmark time transformation
bench_load_averageGet system load averages
bench_memoryMeasure memory that an expression used.
bench-packagebench: High Precision Timing of R Expressions
bench_process_memoryRetrieve the current and maximum memory from the R process
bench_timeMeasure Process CPU and real time that an expression used.
bench_time_transBenchmark time transformation
hires_timeReturn the current high-resolution real time.
knit_print.bench_markCustom printing function for 'bench_mark' objects in knitr...
markBenchmark a series of functions
pressRun setup code and benchmarks across a grid of parameters
scale_bench_exprPosition and color scales for bench_expr data
scale_bench_timePosition scales for bench_time data
summary.bench_markSummarize mark results.
workoutWorkout a group of expressions individually
bench documentation built on May 4, 2023, 5:13 p.m.