Man pages for betaclust
A Family of Beta Mixture Models for Clustering Beta-Valued DNA Methylation Data

AUC_WD_metricAUC and WD function
betaclustThe betaclust wrapper function
beta_kFit the K.. model
beta_knFit the KN. model
beta_krFit the K.R Model
DMC_identificationThe DMC identification function
ecdf.betaclustThe empirical cumulative distribution function plot
em_aicAkaike Information Criterion
em_bicBayesian Information Criterion
em_iclIntegrated Complete-data Likelihood (ICL) Criterion
legacy.dataMethylationEPIC manifest data.
pca.methylation.dataDNA methylation data from patients with prostate cancer
plot.betaclustPlots for visualizing the betaclust class object
summary.betaclustSummarizing the beta mixture model fits
thresholdThresholds under the K.. and the KN. models
betaclust documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:30 a.m.