Man pages for bigutilsr
Utility Functions for Large-scale Data

as_model_matrixTransform a data frame
bigutilsr-packagebigutilsr: Utility Functions for Large-scale Data
covrob_ogkRobust Location and Scatter Estimation - Ortogonalized...
geometric_medianGeometric median
hist_outOutlier detection (histogram)
knn_parallelFind K nearest neighbours for multiple query points
LOFLocal Outlier Factor (LOF)
maha_transTransform matrix
nclass.scottRobCompute the Number of Classes for a Histogram
pca_nspikeNumber of spikes in PCA
pca_OADP_projOADP projection
predict.ProcrustesPredict method
prob_distProbabilistic set distance
procrustesProcrustes transform
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rollmeanGaussian smoothing
tukey_mc_upOutlier detection threshold (upper)
bigutilsr documentation built on April 14, 2021, 1:06 a.m.