Man pages for bioclim
Bioclimatic Analysis and Classification

bbRastBioclimatic Balance
biobalComputation of Bioclimatic Balance
biobalRasterComputation of Bioclimatic Balance (raster mode)
bioclim_reportFunction to create individual complete report
biointComputation of Bioclimatic Intensities
biointRasterComputation of Bioclimatic Intensities (raster mode)
biotypeBioclimatic classification
biotypeRasterBioclimatic classification (raster mode)
ithFunction to calculate Thornthwaite’s index
ithRasterFunction to calculate Thornthwaite’s index (raster format)
plotBiobalFunction to plot bioclimatic balance
plotWatbalFunction to plot water balance
plotWLFunction to plot Walter and Lieth diagram
postempFunction to Positive Temperature index
preRastMonthly precipitation
thermindFunction to Compensated Thermal Index
thornthwaiteFunction to calculate Thornthwaite potential...
tmpRastMonthly temperature
watbalFunction to calculate water balance
watbalRasterWater balance in raster format
wbRastWater Balance
bioclim documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:06 p.m.