Man pages for bipl5
Construct Reactive Calibrated Axes Biplots

bipl5bipl5: Constructing Reactive Calibrated Axes Biplots
colorpalbpl5 default color scales
FMbiplotDetermine various measures of fit for the PCA biplot
PCAbiplotConstruct a rank-2 PCA biplot
plot.bipl5Plot an object of class 'bipl5'
predict.bipl5Method to obtain the predicted or fitted values of the biplot
print.bipl5Default print method for an object of class 'bipl5'
Symbol_ListRetrieve all valid plotting symbols for plotly library
TDAbiplotConstruct PCA biplots with translated calibrated density axes
bipl5 documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.