Man pages for bootGOF
Bootstrap Based Goodness-of-Fit Tests

GOF_glm_info_extractorImplements the "interface" GOF_model_info_extractor for for...
GOF_glm_sim_paramImplements the "interface" GOF_model_simulator for for...
GOF_glm_trainerImplements the "interface" GOF_model_trainer for for...
GOF_lm_info_extractorImplements the "interface" GOF_model_info_extractor for...
GOF_lm_sim_paramImplements the "interface" GOF_model_simulator for for linear...
GOF_lm_trainerImplements the "interface" GOF_model_trainer for for linear...
GOF_modelConvenience function for creating a GOF-test for statistical...
GOF_model_info_extractorR6 Class representing model information
GOF_model_resampleR6 Class representing the resampling scheme for...
GOF_model_simulatorR6 Class representing a generator/resample of the dependent...
GOF_model_testR6 Class representing the Goodness-of-Fit test for (linear)...
GOF_model_trainerR6 Class representing a trainer for fitting models
GOF_sim_wild_rademacherImplements the "interface" GOF_model_simulator in a...
Rn1_CvMCramer-von-Mises-statistic for marked empirical process
Rn1_KSKolmogorov-Smirnov-statistic for marked empirical process
Rn1_statisticR6 Class representing statistics for marked empirical...
rrademacherGenerates Rademacher distributed random variables
bootGOF documentation built on June 24, 2021, 9:12 a.m.