Man pages for bpcs
Bayesian Paired Comparison Analysis with Stan

bpcBayesian Paired comparison regression models in Stan
bpcs-packagebpcs - A package for Bayesian Paired Comparison analysis with...
brasil_soccer_leagueThis is a dataset with the results matches fromo the first...
check_if_there_are_naCheck for NA in the specfic columns and returns T or F is...
check_if_there_are_tiesCheck if a data frame column contains ties
check_numeric_predictor_matrixCheck if all values in the predictor matrix are numeric and...
check_predictors_df_contains_all_playersCheck if the predictor df contains all players and only those
check_result_columnCheck if a data frame column contains only the values 1 0 and...
check_z_columnCheck if a data frame column contains only the values 1 or 0....
compute_scoresGiving a player0 an player1 scores, this functions adds one...
compute_tiesGiving a result column we create a new column with ties (0...
create_array_of_par_namesCreate an array with the parameter name and to what...
create_bpc_objectDefines the class bpc and creates the bpc object. To create...
create_cluster_indexCreate two columns with the indexes for the names of the...
create_cluster_index_with_existing_lookup_tableCreate two columns with the indexes for the names Here we use...
create_indexCreate two columns with the indexes for the names of the...
create_index_cluster_lookuptableCreate a lookup table of names and indexes Note that the...
create_index_lookuptableCreate a lookup table of names and indexes Note that the...
create_index_predictors_with_lookup_tableReceives one column with player names and returns a data...
create_index_with_existing_lookup_tableCreate two columns with the indexes for the names Here we use...
create_predictor_matrix_with_player_lookup_tableReceives a predictor dataframe, a string with the column of...
create_predictors_lookup_tableReceives a vector with predictors strings (the column names)...
expand_aggregated_dataExpand aggregated data Several datasets for the Bradley-Terry...
get_hpdi_parametersReturn the mean and the HPDI of the parameters of the model
get_looTiny wrapper for the PSIS-LOO-CV method from the loo package.
get_model_parametersReturn all the name of parameters in a model from a...
get_probabilitiesGet the empirical win/draw probabilities based on the...
get_rank_of_playersGenerate a ranking of the ability based on sampling the...
get_sample_posteriorGet the posterior samples for a parameter of the model.
get_stanfitRetrieve the stanfit object generated by rstan.
get_stanfit_summaryGet stanfit summary table of all parameters excluding...
get_waicTiny wrapper for the WAIC method from the loo package.
HPD_higher_from_columnReturns the higher value of the HPD interval for a data frame...
HPDI_from_stanfitCalculate HPDI for all parameters from a stanfit object Here...
HPD_lower_from_columnReturns the lower value of the HPD interval for a data frame...
inv_logitInverse logit function
launch_shinystanTiny wrapper to launch a shinystan app to investigate the...
logitLogit function
match_cluster_names_to_cluster_lookup_tableReceives a column with cluster names and returns a data frame...
match_player_names_to_lookup_tableReceives two columns with player names and returns a data...
optimization_algorithmsDataset containing an example of the performance of different...
pipePipe operator
predict.bpcPredict results for new data.
print.bpcPrint method for the bpc object.
replace_parameter_index_with_namesReplace the name of the parameter from index to name using a...
sample_stanfitReturn a data frame by resampling the posterior from a...
summary.bpcSummary of the model bpc model.
tennis_agrestiThis is the expansion of the tennis data from Agresti (2003)...
bpcs documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 5:23 p.m.