Man pages for brolgar
Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R

add_n_obsAdd the number of observations for each key in a 'tsibble'
brolgar-featuresCalculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with...
brolgar-packagebrolgar: Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and...
b_summariesBrolgar summaries (b_summaries)
facet_sampleFacet data into groups to facilitate exploration
facet_strataFacet data into groups to facilitate exploration
heightsWorld Height Data
index_summaryIndex summaries
key_slopeFit linear model for each key
keys_nearReturn keys nearest to a given statistics or summary. keys nearest to a given statistics or summary.
keys_near.tbl_tsReturn keys nearest to a given statistics or summary.
l_funsA named list of the five number summary
monotonicAre values monotonic? Always increasing, decreasing, or...
near_betweenReturn x percent to y percent of values
nearestsIs x nearest to y?
near_middleReturn the middle x percent of values
near_quantileWhich values are nearest to any given quantiles
n_obsReturn the number of observations
pipePipe operator
pisaStudent data from 2000-2018 PISA OECD data
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sample-n-frac-keysSample a number or fraction of keys to explore
stratify_keysStratify the keys into groups to facilitate exploration
wagesWages data from National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
brolgar documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:24 a.m.