Man pages for cassowaryr
Compute Scagnostics on Pairs of Numeric Variables in a Data Set

anscombe_tidyData from Anscombe's famous example in tidy format
calc_scagsCompute selected scagnostics on subsets
calc_scags_wideCompute scagnostics on all possible scatter plots for the...
datasaurus_dozendatasaurus_dozen data
draw_alphahullDrawing the alphahull
draw_convexhullDrawing the Convex Hull
draw_mstDrawing the MST
featuresSimulated data with special features
numbatA toy data set with a numbat shape hidden among noise...
pkParkinsons data from UCI machine learning archive
sc_clumpyCompute clumpy scagnostic measure using MST
sc_clumpy2Compute adjusted clumpy measure using MST
sc_clumpy_rCompute robust clumpy scagnostic measure using MST
sc_convexCompute convex scagnostic measure
sc_dcorDistance correlation index.
sc_monotonicMeasure of Spearman Correlation
sc_outlyingCompute outlying scagnostic measure using MST
screePre-processing to generate scagnostic measures
sc_skewedCompute skewed scagnostic measure using MST
sc_skinnyCompute skinny scagnostic measure
sc_sparseCompute sparse scagnostic measure using MST
sc_sparse2Compute adjusted sparse measure using the alpha hull
sc_splinesSpline based index.
sc_striatedCompute striated scagnostic measure using MST
sc_striated2Compute angle adjusted striated measure using MST
sc_stringyCompute stringy scagnostic measure using MST
sc_stripedMeasure of Discreteness
top_pairsCalculate the top scagnostic for each pair of variables
top_scagsCalculate the top pair of variables or group for each...
cassowaryr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 5:08 p.m.