Man pages for causaldata
Example Data Sets for Causal Inference Textbooks

abortionData on abortion legalization and sexually transmitted...
adult_servicesData from a survey of internet-mediated sex workers
autoAutomobile data from Stata
avocadoData on avocado sales
black_politiciansData from "Black Politicians are More Intrinsically Motivated...
castleData on castle-doctrine statutes and violent crime
causaldata-packagecausaldata: Example Data Sets for Causal Inference Textbooks
close_collegeData from Card (1995) to estimate the effect of college...
close_elections_lmbA close-elections regression discontinuity study from Lee,...
cps_mixtapeObservational counterpart to nsw_mixtape data
credit_cardsData on Taiwanese Credit Card Holders
gapminderGapminder data
google_stockGoogle Stock Data
gov_transfersData from "Government Transfers and Political Support"
gov_transfers_densityData from "Government Transfers and Political Support" for...
greek_dataData from a fictional randomized heart transplant study
mortgagesData from "How do Mortgage Subsidies Affect Home Ownership?...
MrozU.S. Women's Labor-Force Participation
nhefsNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data I...
nhefs_codebookNHEFS Codebook
nhefs_completeComplete-Data National Health and Nutrition Examination...
nsw_mixtapeData from the National Supported Work Demonstration (NSW)...
organ_donationsOrgan Donation Data
restaurant_inspectionsData on Restaurant Inspections
riA simple simulated data set for calculating p-values
scorecardEarnings and Loan Repayment in US Four-Year Colleges
snowData from John Snow's 1855 study of the cause of cholera
social_insureData from "Social Networks and the Decision to Insure"
texasData on prison capacity expansion in Texas
thornton_hivData from HIV information experiment in Thornton (2008)
titanicData from the sinking of the Titanic
training_bias_reductionSimulated data from a job training program for a bias...
training_exampleSimulated data from a job training program
yuleData on 19th century English Poverty from Yule (1899)
causaldata documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:20 a.m.