Man pages for causalweight
Estimation Methods for Causal Inference Based on Inverse Probability Weighting

attrlateweightLocal average treatment effect estimation in multiple...
coffeeleafletInformation leaflet on coffee production and environmental...
couponData on daily spending and coupon receipt (selective...
couponsretailerData on daily spending and coupon receipt A dataset...
didcontDMLContinuous Difference-in-Differences using Double Machine...
didcontDMLpanelContinuous Difference-in-Differences using Double Machine...
didDMLDifference-in-Differences in Repeated Cross-Sections for...
didweightDifference-in-differences based on inverse probability...
dyntreatDMLDynamic treatment effect evaluation with double machine...
gamesSales of video games
identificationDMLTesting identification with double machine learning
indiaIndia's National Health Insurance Program (RSBY)
ivnrInstrument-based treatment evaluation under endogeneity and...
JCJob Corps data
lateweightLocal average treatment effect estimation based on inverse...
medDMLCausal mediation analysis with double machine learning
medlateweightCausal mediation analysis with instruments for treatment and...
medweightCausal mediation analysis based on inverse probability...
medweightcontCausal mediation analysis with a continuous treatment based...
paneltestDMLpaneltestDML: Overidentification test for ATET estimation in...
RDDcovarSharp regression discontinuity design conditional on...
rkdSwedish municipalities
swissexperCorrespondence test in Swiss apprenticeship market
testmedidentTest for identification in causal mediation and dynamic...
treatDMLBinary or multiple discrete treatment effect evaluation with...
treatselDMLBinary or multiple treatment effect evaluation with double...
treatweightTreatment evaluation based on inverse probability weighting...
ubdurationAustrian unemployment duration data
wexpectWage expectations of students in Switzerland
causalweight documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:06 p.m.