Man pages for ccrtm
Coupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models

bRTMGenerates an invertable model for backward implementation of...
cambellLeaf inclination distribution function Ellipsoidal...
ccrtmccrtm: Coupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models.
cdcumLeaf inclination distribution function cummulative lagden...
data_prospect5refractive index and specific absorption coefficient for...
data_prospectdrefractive index and specific absorption coefficient for...
flimForest Light Interaction Model (FLIM)
foursailOptimized R implementation of foursail (4SAIL)
foursail2R implementation of the foursail2 model with 2 canopy layers.
foursail2bR implementation of the foursail2 model with 2 canopy layers.
fRTMForward implementation of coupled Radiative Transfer Models.
getDefaultsS3- methods for Generate defaults settings and parameters for...
KLdKullback-Lieber divergence function D(spec1 || spec2) =...
lidfLeaf inclination distribution models s3 method for calling...
plot.rtm.spectraPlot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
print.rtm.spectraPlot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
prospect5PROSPECT model version 5 and 5B
prospectdPROSPECT model version D
r_foursailR implementation of foursail (pure R)
sail_BDRFThe SAIL BDRF function
skylSky light model
soilsoil reflectance
solardirect and diffuse light
ccrtm documentation built on Feb. 26, 2021, 9:06 a.m.