Man pages for cem
Coarsened Exact Matching

attExample of ATT estimation from CEM output
cemCoarsened Exact Matching
cemspaceExploration tool for CEM
combine.spacegraphsCombine two spacegraph objects.
DWDehejia-Wahba dataset
imbalanceCalculates several imbalance measures
imbspaceDiagnostic tool for CEM
imbspace.plotPlot of imbalance space diagnostic tool for CEM
k2kReduction to k2k Matching
L1.measEvaluates L1 distance between multidimensional histograms
L1.profileCalculates L1 distance for different coarsenings
LeLondeModified Lalonde dataset
LLLalonde dataset
LLvsPSIDLalonde treated units versus PSID control individuals
pairProduces a paired sample out of a CEM match solution
pscoreSelectHeuristic search of the best propensity score model...
relax.cemDiagnostic tool for CEM
search.matchHeuristic search of match solutions
shift.cemDiagnostic tool for CEM
spacegraphRandomly compute many different matching solutions
cem documentation built on Sept. 8, 2022, 5:09 p.m.