Man pages for chessR
Functions to Extract, Clean and Analyse Online Chess Game Data

chessdotcom_leaderboardGet Top 50 on Leaderboards
chessRchessR: A package for extracting and analysing chess game...
extract_movesExtract moves from a game as a data.frame
extract_moves_as_gameExtract moves and create 'chess' game
get_each_playerExtract Single Player's Game Data
get_each_player_chessdotcomGet Single Player Raw Game Data
get_game_dataExtract Chess Game Data
get_game_endingReturn the game ending
get_raw_chessdotcomGet Raw Game Data
get_raw_lichessGet Raw Lichess Game Data
get_winnerReturn the game winner
lichess_clock_move_timeGet Time Information from Lichess Game Data
lichess_leaderboardGet top players on Lichess leaderboards
plot_movesPlot a game
return_num_movesReturn the number of moves in a game
chessR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 1:07 a.m.