Man pages for childsds
Data and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics

aga_15.refParameters from recommendations of the German Adiposity...
aggregate_lmsaggregate lms parameters
belgium.refParameters derived from Flandern population
bone.refParameters for different bone parameters
bp_wuehl_age.refParameters from Wuehl et al. blood pressure reference values...
bp_wuehl_height.refParameters from Wuehl et al. blood pressure reference values...
calc_confintsCalculate confidence intervals
cdc.refLMS Parameters for the Centers for Disease Control and...
cn.refParameters for height of normal weight and obese children...
colombia_sf.refParameters of skinfold measures derived from Colombian...
do_iterationsdo lms iterations
doyon_age.refParameters for different carotid artery intima-media...
doyon_height.refParameters for different carotid artery intima-media...
duran_bf.refParameters for bodyfat ( for Whites, Blacks, and...
ethiop.refParameters derived Ethiopian children
fit_gamlssfit lms
fit_vgamfit lms parameters via VGAM
fredriks05.refParameters derived from Dutch children (additional to...
international_lab.refInternational Laboratory Parameters Tables
iron.refParameters for iron-related blood parameters in children
italian.refParameters derived from Italian children
japanese.refParameters derived from Japanese children
japan_lab.refParameters of serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)
kawel_boehm.refParameters for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
kiggs_bp.refParameters derived from the German KiGGS cohort
kiggs.refLMS Parameters for German reference data (KiGGS, 2003-2006)...
kro.refLMS Parameters for German reference data (Kromeyer Hauschild,...
life_circ.refParameters for different circumferences and whr and whtr
life_cysc.refParameters for different metabolom parameters from the LIFE...
life_fibroscan.refParameters for fibroscan from the LIFE Child cohort
life_heart.refhs-Troponin T and NT-proBNP from the LIFE Child cohort
life_igf.refIGF-I and IGF-BP3 from the LIFE Child cohort
life_liver.refParameters for serum liver enzymes
life_skinfold.refParameters for different skinfolds
life_thyr.refParameters for TSH, FT3, FT4 from the LIFE Child cohort
lipids.refParameters for serum lipids in children
make_percentile_tabcalculate raw values
metabolom.refParameters for different metabolom parameters from the LIFE...
mock_dfMock a data frame
mock_valueMock Value
mock_valuesMock Values
momo.refParameters for the German MoMo study (sports test)
motor.refParameters for 5 subtests of the KiGGS Motorik Module
nl3.refParameters of skinfold measures derived from Colombian...
nl4.refParameters derived from the 4th Dutch growth study
one_iterationone iteration
ParTab-classTable of references
portug.refParameters derived from Portuguese children
prepare_dataprepare data for iteration process
preterm.refParameters Preterm and Intrauterine
RefGroup-classClass of references
saudi.refParameters derived from Saudi children
sdsCalculate SDS Values
sds_2dCalculate SDS Values for 2-dimensional matrix of covariates
sdsoldCalculate SDS Values
select_famsselect families
select_measchoose one measurement per subject
show-ParTab-methodclass ParTab
show-RefGroup-methodclass RefGroup
turkish.refParameters derived from Turkish children
uk1990.refParameters from the 1990 UK growth study
ukwho.refLMS Parameters for UK-WHO growth charts for height, weight,...
us.refParameters derived from US children (additional to the...
who2007.refParameters of skinfold measures derived from Colombian...
who.refLMS Parameters for UK-WHO growth charts for height, weight,...
wormplot_ggWorm Plot ggplot version
zong13.refParameters derived from Chinese children (additional to...
childsds documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:55 p.m.