Man pages for clarify
Simulation-Based Inference for Regression Models

clarify-packageclarify: Simulation-Based Inference for Regression Models
misimSimulate model coefficients after multiple imputation
plot.clarify_adrfPlot marginal predictions from 'sim_adrf()'
plot.clarify_setxPlot marginal predictions from 'sim_setx()'
simSimulate model parameters
sim_adrfCompute an average dose-response function
sim_ameCompute average marginal effects
sim_applyApply a function to simulated parameter values
sim_setxCompute predictions and first differences at set values
summary.clarify_estPlotting and inference for 'clarify_est' objects
transform.clarify_est#' Transform and combine 'clarify_est' objects
clarify documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:09 p.m.