Man pages for cleanepi
Clean and Standardize Epidemiological Data

add_to_dictionaryAdd an element to the data dictionary
add_to_reportAdd an element to the report object
check_date_sequenceCheck whether the order of the sequence of date-events is...
check_subject_idsCheck whether the subject IDs comply with the expected...
check_subject_ids_onessChecks the uniqueness in values of the sample IDs column
clean_dataClean and standardize data
cleanepi-packagecleanepi: Clean and Standardize Epidemiological Data
clean_using_dictionaryPerform dictionary-based cleaning
common_na_stringsCommon strings representing missing values
construct_misspelled_reportBuild the report for the detected misspelled values during...
convert_numeric_to_dateConvert numeric to date
convert_to_numericConvert columns into numeric
correct_subject_idsCorrect the wrong subject IDs based on the user-provided...
date_check_column_existenceCheck if date column exists in the given dataset
date_check_timeframeCheck date time frame
date_choose_first_goodChoose the first non-missing date from a data frame of dates
date_convertConvert characters to dates
date_convert_and_updateConvert and update the date values
date_detect_complex_formatDetect complex date format
date_detect_day_or_monthDetect the appropriate abbreviation for day or month value
date_detect_formatDetect a date format with only 1 separator
date_detect_separatorDetect the special character that is the separator in the...
date_detect_simple_formatGet format from a simple Date value
date_get_formatDetect date format from a date column
date_get_part1Get part1 of date value
date_get_part2Get part2 of date value
date_get_part3Get part3 of date value
date_guessTry and guess dates from a characters
date_guess_convertGuess if a character vector contains Date values, and convert...
date_i_extract_stringExtract date from a character string
date_i_find_formatGuess date format of a character string
date_make_formatBuild the auto-detected format
date_match_format_and_columnCheck whether the number of provided formats matches the...
date_processProcess date variable
date_rescue_lubridate_failuresFind the dates that lubridate couldn't
date_trim_outliersTrim dates outside of the defined boundaries
default_cleanepi_settingsSet 'clean_data()' default parameters
detect_misspelled_optionsDetect misspelled options in columns to be cleaned
detect_to_numeric_columnsDetect the numeric columns that appears as characters due to...
dictionary_make_metadataMake data dictionary for 1 field
find_duplicatesIdentify and return duplicated rows in a data frame or...
get_sumGet sum of numbers from a string
get_target_column_namesGet the names of the columns from which duplicates will be...
is_date_sequence_orderedCheck order of a sequence of date-events
make_readcap_dictionaryConvert Redcap data dictionary into {matchmaker} dictionary...
numbers_onlyDetects whether a string contains only numbers or not.
print_misspelled_valuesPrint the detected misspelled values
print_reportGenerate report from data cleaning operations
remove_constantsRemove empty rows and columns and constant column
remove_duplicatesRemove duplicates
replace_missing_valuesReplace missing values with 'NA'
retrieve_column_namesGet column names
scan_columnsCalculate the percentage of missing and other data type...
scan_dataScan a data frame to determine the percentage of 'missing',...
standardize_column_namesStandardize column names of a data frame or linelist
standardize_datesStandardize date variables
timespanCalculate time span between dates
cleanepi documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:48 a.m.