Man pages for cmstatrExt
More Statistical Methods for Composite Material Data

augment.average_curve_lmAugment a 'data.frame' with the results from...
augment.average_curve_optimAugment a 'data.frame' with the results from...
average_curve_lmGenerate an average curve using 'lm'
average_curve_optimGenerate an average curve using 'optim'
cmstatrExt-packagecmstatrExt: More Statistical Methods for Composite Material...
fff_shearExample shear stress-shear strain data
iso_equiv_two_sampleCalculate t1 and t2 pairs that have the same p-Value
k_equiv_two_sampleCalculate the factors for a two-sample acceptance test
pa12_tensionExample stress-strain data
p_equivp-Value for one-sample equivalency
p_equiv_two_samplep-Value for two-sample equivalency
power_sim_dualRejection rate for dual acceptance criteria based via...
print.average_curve_lmPrint an 'average_curve_lm' object
print.average_curve_optimPrint an 'average_curve_optim' object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
summary.average_curve_lmSummarize an 'average_curve_lm' object
cmstatrExt documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:15 p.m.