Man pages for competitiontoolbox
A Graphical User Interface for Antitrust and Trade Practitioners

antitrust_shinyA Link to the Shiny Interface to the trade and antitrust...
ct_shinyA Shiny Interface to the trade and antitrust Packages
indicboxdataBox Plot Statistics for "Indices" Tab
indicboxmktCntNumber of Monte Carlo Simulations Performed in "Indices" Tab
sumboxdataBox Plot Statistics for "Summary" Tab for Horizontal Mergers
sumboxdata_tradeBox Plot Statistics for "Summary" Tab for Tariffs
sumboxmktCntNumber of Monte Carlo Simulations Performed in "Summary" Tab...
sumboxmktCnt_tradeNumber of Monte Carlo Simulations Performed in "Summary" Tab...
trade_shinyA Link to the Shiny Interface to the trade and antitrust...
competitiontoolbox documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 9:08 a.m.