Man pages for conogive
Congeneric Normal-Ogive Model

conogiveEstimate a Congeneric Normal-Ogive Model
massage_cutsMassage Cuts to the Desired Shape
ordered_yTransform y Into a Form Where Each Category is An Positive...
predict.conogivePredict Method for Conogive Objects
reliabilityCalculate the Ordinal Reliabiltiy
standardizeStandardize Parameter Vectors
thurstoneThurstone weights
trTrace of matrix
trim_vectorRemove Infinities from Vector, Append and Prepend '-Inf' and...
x_hatTransform Likert data to X_hats.
xi_sampleCalculate Sample Xi
xi_theoreticalCalculate the Theoretical Xi
conogive documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:33 p.m.