Man pages for cookies
Use Browser Cookies with 'shiny'

add_cookie_handlersAdd cookies to an existing shiny ui
cookie_dependencyAttach the js-cookie javascript library for shiny
cookies-packagecookies: Use Browser Cookies with 'shiny'
dot-attributes_stringCondense attributes to a string
dot-generate_http_attribute_stringsGenerate the separate attribute strings
dot-http_attributesPrepare cookie attributes for HTTP
dot-http_cookie_stringCondense cookie attributes to a set-cookie string
dot-http_dateConvert expiration days to the expected date format
dot-is_http_onlyIs this cookie HttpOnly?
dot-javascript_attributesPrepare cookie attributes for javascript
dot-root_sessionFind the main session
dot-shared-parametersParameters used in multiple functions
dot-shiny_toJSONPrep data for javascript
dot-validate_attributesEnsure cookie attributes are valid
dot-validate_domainEnsure domain is valid
dot-validate_expirationEnsure expiration is valid
dot-validate_http_onlyEnsure http_only is valid
dot-validate_logical_scalarEnsure the argument is a single logical value
dot-validate_pathEnsure path is valid
dot-validate_same_siteEnsure same_site is valid
dot-validate_scalarEnsure the argument is a single logical value
dot-validate_secure_onlyEnsure secure_only is valid
extract_cookieExtract an individual cookie from a shiny request
extract_cookiesExtract all cookies from a shiny request
get_cookieRead a cookie
remove_cookieRemove a cookie
set_cookieCreate or update a cookie
set_cookie_on_loadShiny tag to add cookies on page load
set_cookie_responseSet cookie via HTTP header
cookies documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 1:07 a.m.