Man pages for coursekata
Packages and Functions for 'CourseKata' Courses

AmesAmes, Iowa housing data
class_dataGenerated "class data" for exploring pairwise tests
coursekata_attachAttach the CourseKata course packages
coursekata_installInstall or update all CourseKata packages.
coursekata_load_themeUtility function for loading all themes.
coursekata-packagecoursekata: Packages and Functions for 'CourseKata' Courses
coursekata_packagesList all CourseKata course packages
coursekata_paletteThe color palettes used in our theme system
coursekata_palette_providerCreate a function that provides a colorblind palette.
coursekata_reposGet repositories for the packages.
coursekata_unload_themeRestore 'ggplot2' default settings
distribution_partsFind a percentage of a distribution
erEmergency room canine therapy
estimate_extractionExtract estimates/statistics from a model
fevdataForced Expiratory Volume (FEV) Data
FingersData from introductory statistics students at a university.
FingersMessyRaw data from introductory statistics students at a...
fit_statsTest the fit of a model on a train and test set.
game_dataSimulated math game data.
gf_modelAdd a model to a plot
penguinsA modified form of the 'palmerpenguins::penguins' data set.
scale_discrete_coursekataA discrete color scale constructor with colorblind-safe...
SmallvilleSimulated housing data
split_dataSplit data into train and test sets.
SurveyStudents at a university were asked to enter a random number...
TablesTables data
theme_coursekataA simple theme built on top of 'ggplot2::theme_bw'
tip_expSimulated data for an experiment about smiley faces and tips
TipExperimentData from an experiment about smiley faces and tips
WorldData on countries from the Happy Planet Index project.
coursekata documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:42 p.m.