API for coxed
Duration-Based Quantities of Interest for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model

Global functions
baseline.build Man page Source code
baseline.plot Man page Source code
bca Man page Source code
bootcov2 Man page
boxsteffensmeier Man page
censor.x Man page Source code
coxed Man page Source code
coxed-package Man page
coxed.gam Man page Source code
coxed.gam.tvc Man page Source code
coxed.npsf Man page Source code
coxed.npsf.tvc Man page Source code
data.plot Man page Source code
generate.lm Man page Source code
make.margeffect Man page Source code
martinvanberg Man page
rank.predict Man page Source code
sim.survdata Man page Source code
summary.coxedExpdur Man page Source code
summary.coxedMargin Man page Source code
survsim.plot Man page Source code
user.baseline Man page Source code
coxed documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 9:07 a.m.