Man pages for crctStepdown
Univariate Analysis of Cluster Trials with Multiple Outcomes

confint_searchConfidence interval search procedure
est_null_modelEstimates null model
gen_rand_orderFunction to generate a stepped-wedge cRCT randomisation...
outname_fitExtracts the dependent variable name from glm, lm, or mer...
perm_distExtracts the test statistics
permutation_test_implGenerates realisations of the permutational test statistic...
qscore_implThe quasi-score statistic for a generalised linear mixed...
setParallelCRTDisable or enable parallelised computing
simpleLMA very basic linear model solver
stepdownConduct the randomisation-based stepdown procedure
twoarm_simSimulates data from a two-arm parallel cluster randomised...
crctStepdown documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:48 a.m.