Man pages for cubble
A Vector Spatio-Temporal Data Structure for Data Analysis

accessorsAccessors to a cubble object
as_cubbleCoerce foreign objects into a cubble object
attrExtract cubble attributes
check-classPredicate functions on the object class
check_keyCheck on key when create cubble from two components...
climate-dataAustralia climate data
covidDaily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in...
cubble-classCreate a cubble object
cubble-packagecubble: A Vector Spatio-Temporal Data Structure for Data...
cubble-printPrint methods
dplyr'dplyr' methods
facePivot a cubble object between the nested/long...
glyphCreate glyph map with ggplot2
make_spatial_sfUpdate the spatial cubble to include the sf class
make_temporal_tsibbleUpdate the temporal cubble to include the tsibble class...
matchingMatch stations in two cubbles by spatial distance/ temporal...
netcdfFunctions to extract NetCDF dimension and variables
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
riverAustralia river data
test-dataToy climate data
tsibbleGap-filling on the temporal component of a cubble object
unfoldAugment spatial component into the long (temporal) form
updateTemporary update cubble if the sf class take precedent of...
cubble documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:19 p.m.