Man pages for customizedTraining
Customized Training for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models

customizedGlmnetfit glmnet using customized training
cv.customizedGlmnetcross validation for customizedGlmnet
nonzeroreturn selected variables
nonzero.customizedGlmnetreturn selected variables from a 'customizedGlmnet' object
nonzero.singletonreturn selected variables from a 'singleton' object
plot.customizedGlmnetvisualize variables selected in each customized training... variables selected in each customized training...
predict.customizedGlmnetmake predictions from a 'customizedGlmnet' object predictions from a 'cv.customizedGlmnet' object
predict.singletonmake predictions from a "singleton" object
print.customizedGlmnetprint the summary of a fitted 'customizedGlmnet' object a "cv.customizedGlmnet" object
VowelVowel Recognition
customizedTraining documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:31 p.m.