Man pages for dbd
Discretised Beta Distribution

aHessAnalytic hessian.
dbThe db ("discretised Beta") distribution.
dbd-internalInternal Verdis functions.
eowSet or query the value of the '"maxitErrorOrWarn"' option.
exactMeDbExact moment estimates for the db distribution.
expValBbExpected value of a beta binomial distribution.
expValDbExpected value of a db distribution.
finfoFisher information.
gofGoodness of fit test for db and beta binomial distributions.
hrsRcePredHorse race prediction data.
llPlotPlot the log likelihood surface for the data.
logLikRetrieve the (maximised) log likelihood from an '"mleDb"' or...
makeBbdparsCreate an object of class '"Bbdpars"'.
makeDbdparsCreate an object of class '"Dbdpars"'.
mcCovMatMonte Carlo estimation of a covariance matrix.
mleBbMaximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a beta...
mleDbMaximum likelihood estimates of db parameters.
ndataRetrieve the '"ndata"' attribute of an '"mleDb"' object.
nHessNumerical hessian calculation.
plotBbPlot a beta binomial distribution.
plotDbPlot a db distribution.
plot.mleBbPlot a maxium likelihood fit to data from a beta binomial...
plot.mleDbPlot a maxium likelihood fit to data from a db distribution.
simulateSimulate data from a db or beta binomial distribution.
varBbVariance of a beta binomial distribution.
varDbVariance of a db distribution.
vcov.mleBbRetrieve the covariance matrix from an '"mleBb"' object.
vcov.mleDbRetrieve the covariance matrix from an '"mleDb"' object.
visRecogVisual recognition data.
dbd documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 5:07 p.m.