aHess | Analytic hessian. |
db | The db ("discretised Beta") distribution. |
dbd-internal | Internal Verdis functions. |
eow | Set or query the value of the '"maxitErrorOrWarn"' option. |
exactMeDb | Exact moment estimates for the db distribution. |
expValBb | Expected value of a beta binomial distribution. |
expValDb | Expected value of a db distribution. |
finfo | Fisher information. |
gof | Goodness of fit test for db and beta binomial distributions. |
hrsRcePred | Horse race prediction data. |
llPlot | Plot the log likelihood surface for the data. |
logLik | Retrieve the (maximised) log likelihood from an '"mleDb"' or... |
makeBbdpars | Create an object of class '"Bbdpars"'. |
makeDbdpars | Create an object of class '"Dbdpars"'. |
mcCovMat | Monte Carlo estimation of a covariance matrix. |
mleBb | Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a beta... |
mleDb | Maximum likelihood estimates of db parameters. |
ndata | Retrieve the '"ndata"' attribute of an '"mleDb"' object. |
nHess | Numerical hessian calculation. |
plotBb | Plot a beta binomial distribution. |
plotDb | Plot a db distribution. |
plot.mleBb | Plot a maxium likelihood fit to data from a beta binomial... |
plot.mleDb | Plot a maxium likelihood fit to data from a db distribution. |
simulate | Simulate data from a db or beta binomial distribution. |
varBb | Variance of a beta binomial distribution. |
varDb | Variance of a db distribution. |
vcov.mleBb | Retrieve the covariance matrix from an '"mleBb"' object. |
vcov.mleDb | Retrieve the covariance matrix from an '"mleDb"' object. |
visRecog | Visual recognition data. |
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