Man pages for desctable
Produce Descriptive and Comparative Tables Easily

ANOVAWrapper for oneway.test(var.equal = T) method for desctable
chisq.testPearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
datatableCreate an HTML table widget using the DataTables library
desctableGenerate a statistics table
desc_tableGenerate a statistics table
desc_testsAdd tests to a desc_table
fisher.testFisher's Exact Test for Count Data
flatten_desctableFlatten a desctable to a dataframe recursively
head_dataframeBuild the header for dataframe
head_datatableBuild the header for datatable
headerBuild header
headerListbuild a header list object
head_panderBuild the header for pander
insertInsert a vector y inside another vector x at position
IQRReturn the inter-quartile range
is.normalTest if distribution is normal
no.testNo test
pander.desctablePander method for desctable
parse_formulaParse a formula
percentReturn the percentages for the levels of a factor
print.desctablePrint method for desctable
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_desctable_classSet the "desctable" class to the passed object
statColumnGenerate one statistic for all variables
statifyTransform any function into a valid stat function for the...
stats_autoFunction to create a list of statistics to use in desctable
stats_defaultDefine a list of default statistics
statTableGenerate the table of all statistics for all variables
subNamesCreate the subtables names
subTableCreate a subtable in a grouped desctable
testColumnCreate the pvalues column
testifyTransform any test function into a valid test function for...
tests_autoFunction to choose a statistical test
varColumnGenerate the variable column to display as row names
which.desctableIs the object possibly a desctable?
desctable documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.