Man pages for dm
Relational Data Models

check_keyCheck if column(s) can be used as keys
check_set_equalityCheck column values for set equality
check_subsetCheck column values for subset
copy_dm_toCopy data model to data source
db_schema_createCreate a schema on a database
db_schema_dropRemove a schema from a database
db_schema_existsCheck for existence of a schema on a database
db_schema_listList schemas on a database
decompose_tableDecompose a table into two linked tables
deprecatedDeprecated functions
dmData model class
dm_add_fkAdd foreign keys
dm_add_pkAdd a primary key
dm_add_ukAdd a unique key
dm_deconstructCreate code to deconstruct a dm object
dm_disambiguate_colsResolve column name ambiguities
dm_drawDraw a diagram of the data model
dm_enum_fk_candidatesForeign key candidates
dm_enum_pk_candidatesPrimary key candidate
dm_examine_cardinalitiesLearn about your data model
dm_examine_constraintsValidate your data model
dm_financialCreates a dm object for the Financial data
dm_flatten_to_tblFlatten a part of a 'dm' into a wide table
dm_from_conLoad a dm from a remote data source
dm_from_srcLoad a dm from a remote data source
dm_get_all_fksGet foreign key constraints
dm_get_all_pksGet all primary keys of a 'dm' object
dm_get_all_uksGet all unique keys of a 'dm' object
dm_get_conGet connection
dm_get_pkPrimary key column names
dm_get_tablesGet tables
dm_guiShiny app for defining dm objects
dm_has_fkCheck if foreign keys exists
dm_has_pkCheck for primary key
dm_mutate_tblUpdate tables in a 'dm'
dm_nest_tblNest a table inside its dm
dm_nrowNumber of rows
dm_nycflights13Creates a dm object for the 'nycflights13' data
dm-packagedm: Relational Data Models
dm_pasteCreate R code for a dm object
dm_pixarfilmsCreates a dm object for the 'pixarfilms' data
dm_ptypePrototype for a dm object
dm_renameRename columns
dm_rm_fkRemove foreign keys
dm_rm_pkRemove a primary key
dm_rm_ukRemove a unique key
dm_selectSelect columns
dm_select_tblSelect and rename tables
dm_set_colorsColor in database diagrams
dm_set_table_descriptionAdd info about a dm's tables
dm_sqlCreate _DDL_ and _DML_ scripts for a 'dm' a and database...
dm_unnest_tblUnnest columns from a wrapped table
dm_unpack_tblUnpack columns from a wrapped table
dm_unwrap_tblUnwrap a single table dm
dm_wrap_tblWrap dm into a single tibble dm
dm_zoom_toMark table for manipulation
dplyr_join'dplyr' join methods for zoomed dm objects
dplyr_srcdm as data source
dplyr_table_manipulation'dplyr' table manipulation methods for zoomed dm objects
examine_cardinalityCheck table relations
glimpse.dmGet a glimpse of your 'dm' object
json_nestJSON nest
json_nest_joinJSON nest join
json_packJSON pack
json_pack_joinJSON pack join
json_unnestUnnest a JSON column
json_unpackUnpack a JSON column
pack_joinPack Join
pull_tblRetrieve a table
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reunite_parent_childMerge two tables that are linked by a foreign key relation
rows-dmModifying rows for multiple tables
tidyr_table_manipulation'tidyr' table manipulation methods for zoomed dm objects
utils_table_manipulation'utils' table manipulation methods for 'dm_zoomed' objects
dm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:41 a.m.