Man pages for dmtools
Tools for Clinical Data Management

add_colsAdd columns if columns don't exist
calc_diffFunction for calculating the difference between two dates
checkCheck the dataset
check.defaultCheck the dataset
choose_testFilter the final result
choose_test.dateFilter the final result of the object date
choose_test.labFilter the final result of the object lab
create_specFor creating part of the specification
dateCreate object date
dmtoolsdmtools: package to validate data
find_colnamesFind column names
find_colnames.dateFind column names with dates
find_colnames.defaultFind column names
get_resultGet the final result of the check
labCreate object lab
list_parseA list to a tibble.
meddra_authGet the token
meddra_postCreate the post query
rename_datasetFor rename dataset
shortCreate object short
to_dblCast to double type
to_longReshape the dataset to a long view
to_long.dateReshape the dataset to a long view
to_long.labReshape the dataset to a long view
to_long.shortReshape the dataset to a long view
dmtools documentation built on Nov. 9, 2020, 9:06 a.m.