Man pages for drf
Distributional Random Forests

create_dot_bodyWrites each node information If it is a leaf node: show it in...
drfDistributional Random Forests
export_graphvizExport a tree in DOT format. This function generates a...
get_sample_weightsGiven a trained forest and test data, compute the training...
get_treeRetrieve a single tree from a trained forest object.
leaf_stats.defaultA default leaf_stats for forests classes without a leaf_stats...
leaf_stats.drfCalculate summary stats given a set of samples for regression...
medianHeuristicCompute the median heuristic for the MMD bandwidth choice
plot.drf_treePlot a DRF tree object.
predict.drfPredict with a drf forest
print.drfPrint a DRF forest object.
print.drf_treePrint a DRF tree object.
split_frequenciesCalculate which features the forest split on at each depth.
variable_importanceCalculate a simple measure of 'importance' for each feature.
variableImportanceVariable importance based on MMD
weighted.quantileWeighted quantiles
drf documentation built on March 29, 2021, 5:07 p.m.