Man pages for dupiR
Bayesian Inference from Count Data using Discrete Uniform Priors

compute_ecdfCompute ECDF (empirical cumulative distribution function)
compute_normalization_constantCompute normalization constant
compute_posteriorCompute the posterior probability distribution of the...
compute_posterior_with_replacementCompute posterior probability with replacement
compute_sumCompute sum of terms (function F, Comoglio et al.)
compute_termCompute single term (function F, Comoglio et al.)
Counts-classAn S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling...
dupiR-packageBayesian inference from count data using discrete uniform...
gamma_poisson_cloughCompute posterior probability using a Gamma-Poisson model...
get_countsGet 'counts' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
get_fractionsGet 'fractions' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
get_posterior_paramCompute posterior probability distribution parameters (e.g....
initialize-Counts-methodInitialize 'Counts' class
new_countsConstructor for 'Counts' class
plot-Counts-methodPlot method for 'Counts' class
plot_posteriorPlot posterior probability distribution and display posterior...
set_counts-setSet 'counts' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
set_fractions-setSet 'fractions' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
show-Counts-methodPrint method for 'Counts' class
summary-Counts-methodSummary method for 'Counts' class
dupiR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:21 a.m.