Man pages for eHDPrep
Quality Control and Semantic Enrichment of Datasets

apply_quality_ctrlApply quality control measures to a dataset
assess_completenessAssess completeness of a dataset
assess_qualityAssess quality of a dataset
assume_var_classesAssume variable classes in data
cellspec_lglKable logical data highlighting
compare_completenessCompare Completeness between Datasets
compare_info_contentInformation Content Comparison Table
compare_info_content_pltInformation Content Comparison Plot
completeness_heatmapCompleteness Heatmap
count_compareCompare unique values before and after data modification
discrete.miCalculate mutual information of a matrix of discrete values
distant_neg_valFind highly distant value for data frame
edge_tbl_to_graphConvert edge table to tidygraph graph
eHDPrep-package'eHDPrep': Quality Control and Semantic Enrichment of...
encode_as_num_matConvert data frame to numeric matrix
encode_binary_catsEncode categorical variables as binary factors
encode_bin_cat_vecEncode a categorical vector with binary categories
encode_catsEncode categorical variables using one-hot encoding.
encode_genotypesEncode genotype/SNP variables in data frame
encode_genotype_vecEncode a genotype/SNP vector
encode_ordinalsEncode ordinal variables
entropyCalculate Entropy of a Vector
exact.kdeExact kernel density estimation
example_dataExample data for eHDPrep
example_edge_tblExample ontology as an edge table for semantic enrichment
example_mapping_fileExample mapping file for semantic enrichment
example_ontologyExample ontology as a network graph for semantic enrichment
export_datasetExport data to delimited file
extract_freetextExtract information from free text
geometric.meanGeometric mean
identify_inconsistencyIdentify inconsistencies in a dataset
import_datasetImport data into 'R'
import_var_classesImport corrected variable classes
information_content_continCalculate Information Content (Continuous Variable)
information_content_discreteCalculate Information Content (Discrete Variable)
join_vars_to_ontolJoin Mapping Table to Ontology Network Graph
max_catchNAsFind maximum of vector safely
mean_catchNAsFind mean of vector safely
merge_colsMerge columns in data frame
metavariable_aggAggregate Data by Metavariable
metavariable_infoCompute Metavariable Information
metavariable_variable_descendantsExtract metavariables' descendant variables
mi_content_discreteCalculate Mutual Information Content
min_catchNAsFind minimum of vector safely
mod_trackData modification tracking
node_IC_zhouCalculate Node Information Content (Zhou et al 2008 method)
normalizeMin max normalization
nums_to_NAReplace numeric values in numeric columns with NA
onehot_vecOne hot encode a vector
ordinal_label_levelsExtract labels and levels of ordinal variables in a dataset
plot_completenessPlot Completeness of a Dataset
prod_catchNAsFind product of vector safely
report_var_modsTrack changes to dataset variables
review_quality_ctrlReview Quality Control
row_completenessCalculate Row Completeness in a Data Frame
semantic_enrichmentSemantic enrichment
skipgram_appendAppend Skipgram Presence Variables to Dataset
skipgram_freqReport Skipgram Frequency
skipgram_identifyIdentify Neighbouring Words (Skipgrams) in a free-text vector
strings_to_NAReplace values in non-numeric columns with NA
sum_catchNAsSum vector safely for semantic enrichment
validate_consistency_tblValidate internal consistency table
validate_mapping_tblValidate mapping table for semantic enrichment
validate_ontol_nwValidate ontology network for semantic enrichment bandwidth Kernel Density Estimation
variable_completenessCalculate Variable Completeness in a Data Frame
variable_entropyCalculate Entropy of Each Variable in Data Frame
warn_missing_dotsMissing dots warning
zero_entropy_variablesIdentify variables with zero entropy
eHDPrep documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:09 p.m.