Man pages for easyalluvial
Generate Alluvial Plots with a Single Line of Code

add_imp_plotadd bar plot of important features to model response alluvial...
add_marginal_histogramsadd marginal histograms to alluvial plot
alluvial_longalluvial plot of data in long format
alluvial_model_responsecreate model response plot
alluvial_model_response_caretcreate model response plot for caret models
alluvial_model_response_parsnipcreate model response plot for parsnip models
alluvial_widealluvial plot of data in wide format
check_pkg_installedcheck if package is installed
get_data_spacecalculate data space
get_pdp_predictionsget predictions compatible with the partial dependence...
get_pdp_predictions_seqget predictions compatible with the partial dependence...
manip_bin_numericsbin numerical columns
manip_factor_2_numericconverts factor to numeric preserving numeric levels and...
mtcars2mtcars dataset with cyl, vs, am ,gear, carb as factor...
palette_filtercolor filters for any vector of hex color values
palette_increase_lengthincreases length of palette by repeating colours
palette_plot_intensityplot colour intensity of palette
palette_plot_rgpplot rgb values of palette
palette_qualitativecompose palette from qualitative RColorBrewer palettes
pipePipe operator
plot_all_histsplot marginal histograms of alluvial plot
plot_condensationPlot dataframe condensation potential
plot_histplot histogram of alluvial plot variable
plot_impplot feature importance
quarterly_flightsQuarterly mean arrival delay times for a set of 402 flights
quarterly_sunspotsQuarterly mean relative sunspots number from 1749-1983
tidy_imptidy up dataframe containing model feature importance
titanictitanic data set'
easyalluvial documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:32 a.m.