Man pages for ecostats
Code and Data Accompanying the Eco-Stats Text (Warton 2022)

addSmoothaddSmooth Add a smoother to a plot, with pointwise confidence...
anovaPBParametric bootstrap testing to compare two models by...
aphidsAphid data
aphidsBACIAphid data as a BACI design
BlockBootIDConstruct a moving block bootstrap resampling scheme
cpredictConditional Predictions for Multivariate Linear Model Fits
cresidualsExtract Conditional Residuals from Multivariate Linear Model...
ecostats-packageecostats: Code and Data Accompanying the Eco-Stats Text...
estuariesEffect of pollution on marine microinvertebrates in estuaries
estuaryZoneEffect of pollution on marine microinvertebrates in estuaries...
globalPlantsGlobal Plants data
guineapigGuineapig data
headbobLizardsHeadbob displays of _Anolis_ lizards
maunaloaAtmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from the Mauna Loa...
MyrtaceaeSpecies richness of _Myrtaceae_ plants
plotenvelopeDiagnostic Plots for a Fitted Object with Simulation...
qqenvelopeNormal Quantile-Quantile Plots with Global Simulation...
ravensRavens data
revegInvertebrate abundances in a revegetation study
seaweedHabitat Configuration data from seaweed experiment
seedsTempGermination rates of _Abutilon angulatum_ at different...
simulate.manyglmSimulate from manyglm objects
simulate.mlmSimulate Responses from a Multivariate Linear Model
snowmeltHow flowering time relates to snowmelt date
waterQualityWater Quality data
windFarmsData from wind farm study
ecostats documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:06 a.m.