Man pages for ecr
Evolutionary Computation in R

addUnionGroupGrouping helpers
approximateRefPointsHelper function to estimate reference points.
approximateRefSetsHelper function to estimate reference set(s).
asemoaImplementation of the NSGA-II EMOA algorithm by Deb.
categorizeAssign group membership based on another group membership.
computeAverageHausdorffDistanceAverage Hausdorff Distance computation.
computeCrowdingDistanceCompute the crowding distance of a set of points.
computeDistanceFromPointToSetOfPointsComputes distance between a single point and set of points.
computeDominanceRankingRanking of approximation sets.
computeGenerationalDistanceComputes Generational Distance.
computeIndicatorsComputation of EMOA performance indicators.
computeInvertedGenerationalDistanceComputes Inverted Generational Distance.
dominatedCheck for pareto dominance.
dominated_hypervolumeFunctions for the calculation of the dominated hypervolume...
dominatesDominance relation check.
doNondominatedSortingFast non-dominated sorting algorithm.
ecrInterface to ecr similar to the optim function.
ecr_parallelizationParallelization in ecr
ecr_resultResult object.
emoa_indicatorsEMOA performance indicators
evaluateFitnessComputes the fitness value(s) for each individual of a given...
explodeExplode/implode data frame column(s).
filterDuplicatedFilter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors.
generateOffspringHelper functions for offspring generation
generatesMultipleChildrenDoes the recombinator generate multiple children?
generatorsPopulation generators
getFrontExtract fitness values from Pareto archive.
getIndividualsExtract individuals from Pareto archive.
getNumberOfChildrenNumber of children
getNumberOfParentsNeededForMatingNumber of parents needed for mating
getPopulationFitnessAccess to logged population fitness.
getPopulationsAccess to logged populations.
getSizeGet size of Pareto-archive.
getStatisticsAccess the logged statistics.
getSupportedRepresentationsGet supported representations.
initECRControlControl object generator.
initLoggerInitialize a log object.
initParetoArchiveInitialize Pareto Archive.
initPopulationHelper function to build initial population.
isEcrOperatorCheck if given function is an ecr operator.
is.supportedCheck if ecr operator supports given representation.
makeECRMonitorFactory method for monitor objects.
makeEMOAIndicatorConstructor for EMOA indicators.
makeMutatorConstruct a mutation operator.
makeOperatorConstruct evolutionary operator.
makeOptimizationTaskCreates an optimization task.
makeRecombinatorConstruct a recombination operator.
makeSelectorConstruct a selection operator.
makeTerminatorGenerate stopping condition.
mutBitflipBitplip mutator.
mutGaussGaussian mutator.
mutInsertionInsertion mutator.
mutInversionInversion mutator.
mutJumpJump mutator.
mutPolynomialPolynomial mutation.
mutScrambleScramble mutator.
mutSwapSwap mutator.
mutUniformUniform mutator.
niceCellFormaterFormatter for table cells of LaTeX tables.
normalizeNormalize approximations set(s).
nsga2Implementation of the NSGA-II EMOA algorithm by Deb.
plotDistributionPlot distribution of EMOA indicators.
plotFrontDraw scatterplot of Pareto-front approximation
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap.
plotScatter2dVisualize bi-objective Pareto-front approximations.
plotScatter3dVisualize three-objective Pareto-front approximations.
plotStatisticsGenerate line plot of logged statistics.
recCrossoverOne-point crossover recombinator.
recIntermediateIndermediate recombinator.
recOXOrdered-Crossover (OX) recombinator.
recPMXPartially-Mapped-Crossover (PMX) recombinator.
recSBXSimulated Binary Crossover (SBX) recombinator.
recUnifCrossoverUniform crossover recombinator.
reduceToSingleDataFrameCombine multiple data frames into a single data.frame.
reference_point_approximationReference point approximations.
registerECROperatorRegister operators to control object.
replace(mu + lambda) selection
selDomHVDominated Hypervolume selector.
selectSelect individuals.
selGreedySimple selector.
selNondomNon-dominated sorting selector.
selRankingRank Selection Operator
selRouletteRoulette-wheel / fitness-proportional selector.
selSimpleSimple (naive) selector.
selTournamentk-Tournament selector.
setDominatesCheck if one set is better than another.
setupSet up parameters for evolutionary operator.
setupECRDefaultMonitorDefault monitor.
smsemoaImplementation of the SMS-EMOA by Emmerich et al.
sortByObjectiveSort Pareto-front approximation by objective.
stoppingConditionsStopping conditions
toGGTransform to long format.
toLatexExport results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s).
toParetoDfConvert matrix to Pareto front data frame.
transformFitnessFitness transformation / scaling.
updateLoggerUpdate the log.
updateParetoArchiveUpdate Pareto Archive.
which.dominatedDetermine which points of a set are (non)dominated.
wrapChildrenWrap the individuals constructed by a recombination operator.
ecr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:07 p.m.