Highest averages & largest remainders allocating seats methods and several party system scores. Implemented highest averages allocating seats methods are D'Hondt, Webster, Danish, Imperiali, Hill-Huntington, Dean, Modified Sainte-Lague, equal proportions and Adams. Implemented largest remainders allocating seats methods are Hare, Droop, Hangenbach-Bischoff, Imperial, modified Imperial and quotas & remainders. The main advantage of this package is that ties are always reported and not incorrectly allocated. Party system scores provided are competitiveness, concentration, effective number of parties, party nationalization score, party system nationalization score and volatility. References: Gallagher (1991) <doi:10.1016/0261-3794(91)90004-C>. Norris (2004, ISBN:0-521-82977-1). Consejo Nacional Electoral del Ecuador (2014)<http://cne.gob.ec/documents/Estadisticas/Atlas/ATLAS/CAPITULO%206%20web.pdf>. Laakso & Taagepera (1979) <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/001041407901200101>. Jones & Mainwaring (2003) <https://kellogg.nd.edu/sites/default/files/old_files/documents/304_0.pdf>. Pedersen (1979) <https://janda.org/c24/Readings/Pedersen/Pedersen.htm>. Golosov (2010) <https://ppq.sagepub.com/content/16/2/171.abstract>. Golosov (2014) <https://ppq.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/09/08/1354068814549342.abstract>.
Package details |
Author | Jorge Albuja |
Maintainer | Jorge Albuja <albuja@yahoo.com> |
License | GPL-3 |
Version | 0.1.3 |
Package repository | View on CRAN |
Installation |
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