elmNN: Implementation of ELM (Extreme Learning Machine ) algorithm for SLFN ( Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks )

Training and predict functions for SLFN ( Single Hidden-layer Feedforward Neural Networks ) using the ELM algorithm. ELM algorithm differs from the traditional gradient-based algorithms for very short training times ( it doesn't need any iterative tuning, this makes learning time very fast ) and there is no need to set any other parameters like learning rate, momentum, epochs, etc.

Package details

AuthorAlberto Gosso
MaintainerAlberto Gosso <gosso.alberto@gmail.com>
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the elmNN package in your browser

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elmNN documentation built on May 29, 2017, 3:22 p.m.