Man pages for errors
Uncertainty Propagation for R Vectors to a Data Frame
as.list.errorsCoerce to a List
as.matrix.errorsCoerce to a Matrix
cbind.errorsCombine R Objects by Rows or Columns
c.errorsCombine Values into a Vector or List
correlHandle Correlations Between 'errors' Objects
datasetsDatasets from the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in...
diff.errorsLagged Differences
drop_errorsDrop Uncertainty
errorsHandle Uncertainty on a Numeric Vector
errors-package'errors': Uncertainty Propagation for R Vectors
Extract.errorsExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
format.errorsEncode 'errors'
geom_errorsErrorbars for 'errors' objects
groupGeneric.errorsS3 Group Generic Functions
mean.errorsArithmetic Mean and Median Value
plot.errorsScatterplot with Error Bars
print.errorsPrint Values
rep.errorsReplicate Elements of Vectors and Lists
t.errorsMatrix Transpose
errors documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:33 p.m.