API for estmeansd
Estimating the Sample Mean and Standard Deviation from Commonly Reported Quantiles in Meta-Analysis

Global functions
bc.mean.sd Man page Source code
check_errors Source code
find.lambda Source code
get.location.scale.shape Source code
get.mean.sd Source code
get.num.input Source code
get.scenario Source code
get_SE Man page Source code
get_SE.bc.mean.sd Man page Source code
get_SE.mln.mean.sd Man page Source code
get_SE.qe.mean.sd Man page Source code
get_quants Source code
inv.smooth.bc.transform Source code
mln.mean.sd Man page Source code
plot.qe.fit Man page Source code
print.bc.mean.sd Man page Source code
print.mln.mean.sd Man page Source code
print.qe.fit Man page Source code
print.qe.mean.sd Man page Source code
qe.fit Man page Source code
qe.mean.sd Man page Source code
round_lambda Source code
set.qe.fit.control Source code
sign_pow Source code
simpleCap Source code
smooth.bc.transform Source code
summary.qe.mean.sd Man page Source code
estmeansd documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:11 a.m.