Man pages for expectreg
Expectile and Quantile Regression

cdf.qpCalculation of the conditional CDF based on expectile curves
dutchboysData set about the growth of dutch children
enormExpectiles of distributions
expectileSample Expectiles
expectreg.boostQuantile and expectile regression using boosting
expectreg.lsExpectile regression of additive models
expectreg-packageExpectile and Quantile Regression
GasolineGasoline Consumption
indiaMalnutrition of Childen in India
india.bndRegions of India - boundary format
methodsMethods for expectile regression objects
MqregSemiparametric M-Quantile Regression
northger.bndRegions of northern Germany - boundary format
pemqThe "expectiles-meet-quantiles" distribution family.
plot.expectregDefault expectreg plotting
quant.bundleRestricted expectile regression of additive models
rbCreates base for a regression based on covariates
update.expectregUpdate given expectreg model
expectreg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:12 a.m.