Man pages for expsmooth
Data Sets from "Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing"

ausgdpQuarterly Australian GDP
bondsMonthly US government bond yields
cangasMonthly Canadian gas production
carpartsMonthly sales car parts
copperMonthly copper prices
djiMonthly Dow Jones Index
djicloseMonthly Dow Jones Index: closing
enplanementsMonthly US domestic enplanements
expsmooth-packageData sets for "Forecasting with exponential smoothing"
fmsalesWeekly FM sales
freightAnnual US new freight cars
frexportQuarterly French exports
gaspriceUS gasoline prices
hospitalMonthly patient count
jewelryWeekly jewelry sales
partxMonthly sales of an automobile part
salesMonthly product sales
ukcarsQuarterly UK passenger car production
unempcciUnemployment and the CCI
uselecAnnual US net electricity generation
usgdpQuarterly US GDP
utilityHourly utility demand
vehiclesHourly vehicle counts
visitorsMonthly Australian overseas vistors
xratesMonthly exchange rates
expsmooth documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:21 a.m.