Man pages for fansi
ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions

dflt_term_capDefault Arg Helper Funs
fansiDetails About Manipulation of Strings Containing Control...
fansi_linesColorize Character Vectors
fwlDisplay Strings to Terminal
has_ctlCheck for Presence of Control Sequences
has_sgrCheck for Presence of Control Sequences
html_code_blockFormat Character Vector for Display as Code in HTML
html_escEscape Characters With Special HTML Meaning
in_htmlFrame HTML in a Web Page And Display
make_stylesGenerate CSS Mapping Classes to Colors
nchar_ctlControl Sequence Aware Version of nchar
nchar_sgrControl Sequence Aware Version of nchar
normalize_stateNormalize CSI and OSC Sequences
set_knit_hooksSet an Output Hook Convert Control Sequences to HTML in...
sgr_256Show 8 Bit CSI SGR Colors
sgr_to_htmlConvert Control Sequences to HTML Equivalents
state_at_endUtilities for Managing CSI and OSC State In Strings
strip_ctlStrip Control Sequences
strip_sgrStrip Control Sequences
strsplit_ctlControl Sequence Aware Version of strsplit
strsplit_sgrCheck for Presence of Control Sequences
strtrim_ctlControl Sequence Aware Version of strtrim
strtrim_sgrControl Sequence Aware Version of strtrim
strwrap_ctlControl Sequence Aware Version of strwrap
strwrap_sgrControl Sequence Aware Version of strwrap
substr_ctlControl Sequence Aware Version of substr
substr_sgrSGR Control Sequence Aware Version of substr
tabs_as_spacesReplace Tabs With Spaces
term_cap_testTest Terminal Capabilities
to_htmlConvert Control Sequences to HTML Equivalents
trimws_ctlControl Sequence Aware Version of trimws
unhandled_ctlIdentify Unhandled Control Sequences
fansi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.