Man pages for fdacluster
Joint Clustering and Alignment of Functional Data

autoplot.capsVisualizes the result of a clustering strategy stored in a...
autoplot.mcapsVisualizes results of multiple clustering strategies using...
capsClass for clustering with amplitude and phase separation
compare_capsGenerates results of multiple clustering strategies
diagnostic_plotDiagnostic plot for the result of a clustering strategy...
fdacluster-packagefdacluster: Joint Clustering and Alignment of Functional Data
fdadbscanPerforms density-based clustering for functional data with...
fdadistComputes the distance matrix for functional data with...
fdahclustPerforms hierarchical clustering for functional data with...
fdakmeansPerforms k-means clustering for functional data with...
lpLinear and integer programming
plot.capsPlots the result of a clustering strategy stored in a 'caps'...
plot.mcapsPlots results of multiple clustering strategies
sim30_capsA 'caps' object from simulated data for examples
sim30_mcapsAn 'mcaps' object from simulated data for examples
simulated30Simulated data for examples
simulated30_subSimulated data for examples
simulated90Simulated data from the CSDA paper
fdacluster documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:45 p.m.