Man pages for flexlsx
Exporting 'flextable' to 'xlsx' Files

flexlsx-packageflexlsx: Exporting 'flextable' to 'xlsx' Files
ftpart_to_style_tibbleConverts a flextable-part to a tibble styles
ft_to_style_tibbleConverts a flextable to a tibble with style information
ft_to_xlsx_border_widthDetermines the border width
get_dim_colwiseGroups each row with same style each column
get_dim_rangesRetrieves dims of same style rows within same column
get_dim_rowwiseGroups each column with same style each row
handle_null_borderWhere there is no border return NULL
prepare_colorPrepares the color for content style
style_to_hashRetrieves hashed style information
wb_add_captionAdds a caption to an excel file
wb_add_flextableAdds a flextable to an openxlsx2 workbook sheet
wb_apply_borderApplies the border styles
wb_apply_cell_stylesApplies the cell styles
wb_apply_contentApplies the content
wb_apply_mergeMerges cells
wb_apply_text_stylesApplies the text styles
wb_change_cell_widthChanges the cell width
wb_change_row_heightChanges the row height
flexlsx documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.