Man pages for forecasteR
Time Series Forecast System

calibrar.arimaBest parameters arima model
calibrar.HWBest parameters HoltWinters model
dfnormalData.frame with normal test
df_periodsPeriodogram Data.frame
e_acfBest parameters arima model
e_decomposeDecompose plot
e_histnormalNormal plot
e_pacfBest parameters arima model
e_periodsPeriodogram Plot
e_qqQplot + Qline
e_tcTendencia y Estacionalidad
forecasteRTime Series Forecast System
get_startGet ts start of a time series
grafico.erroresError plot for all predictions
MSEMean Square Error
pred.tskerasTime series forecasts for a keras model.
RERelative Error
RMSERoot Mean Square Error
run_appRun the Shiny Application
smoothingApply rolling to a numeric vector.
tabla.erroresError table for all predictions
text_toDateConvert character to dates
tskeraskeras model for time series.
var.categoricasFilter category variables of a data.frame
var.numericasFilter numeric variables of a data.frame
forecasteR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:37 p.m.